Nazar Annagurban

My music

I compose easy-listening electronic music with eastern influences. My latest works can be found on the music sharing site SoundCloud.

All my songs can also be downloaded from DropBox. And there are the links:



10.08.2009 - Galan gaçan

  1. Galan gaçan I
  2. Galan gaçan II
  3. Galan gaçan III
  4. Galan gaçan IV
  5. Her gün
  6. Kirli günorta
  7. Atsyz

18.09.2008 - Bu dünýäde

  1. Giriş
  2. Durman ýagyş ýagýar
  3. Ýazgyda galdy
  4. Pitneçi
  5. Öñem eşiden ýaly
  6. Boşluk
  7. Belki bir gün
  8. Ýoly kesilen ýolagçy
  9. Çöle döndi
  10. Hemme zadyñ soñy möhüm


My resume

My resume can be found on LinkedIn.

My code

My coding experiments and tutorials can be found at GitHub.

My blog

Occasionally, I blog about programming. You can find it at Codebias @ blogspot.

Contact me

You can contact me at nazartm[at]